After an extended lapse in Blog and Newsletter entries I am back with a soon to be updated website and information service . Having well and truly been re inspired by my time at Tatudharma I am recharged with the enthusiasm for Tattooing that I began with over twenty years ago . I am now almost exclusively concerntraiting on the Japanese style , it seems to be the most requested and were my heart ultimately lies . I have opened my waiting list again and taking consults over the coming months for the remainder of the year . I am also going to be working one week a month at Dynamic Tattoo in Melbourne with Trevor McStay from October . I have finished a few prints that will be for sale in the store soon also . Rounding up I would like to thank my loyal client base for the ongoing support and choice in great tattoo ideas that are a pleasure to do , I am very priveledged to have so many quality projects on the go and many more on the drawing board .
Wishing you a great Easter
Rhys Gordon